Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hello and Welcome to my blog, What's for Dinner? My name is Angie and I decided to finally hop on the blogging bandwagon and start this cooking blog for my family and friends. I have always enjoyed cooking and baking and thought this would be a great place to share my favorite recipes and tales from the kitchen. I am always looking for new recipes to make and on average try about 2-3 new ones a week. Growing up we ate pretty much the same bland meals every week which I think helped to stem my desire to try new things and add some different spices here and there. I have been married for almost two years now and my wonderful husband Matt is a great sport about trying out my new dishes and overall I think I have a pretty good success rate, there have only been a couple of times we have had to throw dinner away and order take out instead! We have also been trying to watch what we eat and lose some weight so whenever possible I will include the nutritional information for the recipe and the Weight Watcher's points value. Please feel free to leave me comments on the recipes that you try!

I hope that if you ever get tired of hearing the question, what's for dinner?, this blog may give you an idea of something new to try! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your foray into blogging. What a fun idea. Made me think of Julia & Julia which I've yet to see but want to. Can't wait to read your recipes!
